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a clipblog collecting blogged thoughts on visual poetry

Friday, July 07, 2006

Concrete Woman

via Crag Hill's poetry scorecard:

We're brainstorming women of concrete, women of visual, of all countries. We have at first blush these poets:

Liz Was, Kathy Ernst, Marilyn Rosenberg, Carol Stetser, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt (Germany), Rea Nikonova (Russia), Carla Bertola (Italy), Johanna Drucker, Ana Hatherly (Portugal), Celestine Frost, Nancy Brush-Burr, Susan Smith-Nash, Sheila Murphy, Grace Vajda, C. Mehrl Bennett, Marilyn Damman, Mirta Dermisache, Wendy Kramer, Donna Kuhn, Arlene Hartman, Wendy Collin Sorin, judith copithore, peggy lefter, jennifer books, Camille Martin, Maria Damon, and Shin Yu Pai.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

please, add the poets Barbara Caruso and Frances Kruk. no list of this type should fail to mention these two.


gustave m.

6:58 PM, June 03, 2008


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